Pleiku: The Dawn of Helicopter Warfare in Vietnam, by J. D. Coleman
St. Martin's Press, 1988
278 pages plus 16 pages of b&w photos, 7 maps, Appendices, Glossary, Selected Bibliography and Ihdex
Library: 959.704 COL
This book chronicles, in extraordinary detail gathered by one who was there, the Pleiku Capaign in South Vietnam in the fall of 1965, a series of battles notable for a number of "firsts."
It was the first time North Vietnamese Army Trooops, having recently taken the bold step of invading South Vietnam, engaged American forces. It was the first time that the concept of air mobility - the use of helicopters for swift and accurate troop transport-was put to the test by the 1st Air Calvary Division. And it was America's first victory in Vietnam, at a time when the architects of American involvement in the conflict could still hope for continued success.
J.D. Coleman, an award-winning journalist, was an information officer for the 1st Air Calvary and participated in the Pleiku Campaign. He not only provides a minute by minute account of the battles that stretched over those thirty-five days in 1965, but traces the history of airmobility from the Korean War forward, taking us behind the scenes as Pentagon planners and senior military personnal hammer out this new doctrine.And he offers indelible portraits of the men involved, including the colorful leader of the 1st Air Calvary, the legendary Magor General Harry W. O. Kinnard.
Impeccably researched, using documents and battle reports never before made public, Pleiku is the most complete and comprehensive book on the subject, and an invaluable contribution to our understanding of Vietnam.
Table of Coontents
Foreword by General E. C. Meyer
1. Building the Division
2. Organization and Deployment
3. Setting the State
4. The Lure and the Ambush
5. Beginning the Search
6. Capturing the Hospital
7. The Drang River Ambush
8. The First brigade's Final Battles
9. Changing the Brigades
10. XRAY-the first day
11. XRAY - the finale
12. Agony at Albany
13. Winding it Down
14. In the Final Analysis
Appendix 1 - Formation of the 1st Air Calvary Division
Appendix 2 - Reproduction of a translation of an order directing the ambush of the ARVN relief column
Appendix 3 - Map of the Pleiku campaign
Appendix 4 - transcript of President Johnson's speech, presenting the Presidential Unit Citation to the 1st Calvary Division (Airmobile).
Selected Bibliography
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